HV / LV Electrical Technician

  • Dublin
  • Cbre Gws Ireland Ltd
PURPOSEOFTHEJOB The Electrical Technician will be required to support all electrical activities on site. They will work closely with all team disciplines on site and be the point of escalation for CBRE on any Electrical items. The Electrical Technician will support the electrical supervisor in the development of electrical processes & procedures for the Data Centre. TheDataCentreElectricalTechnicianreportstotheElectricalSupervisor Summarisedbelowarethemaintasksthatweanticipatewouldfallwithintheremitofthisposition. Responsibilities include: Train in the operation and maintenance of all critical facility systems. Areas include: Electrical, Mechanical, Building Monitoring and Control. Perform preventative, corrective and emergency maintenance on medium and low voltage high availability power systems UseCMMSto creatework ordersfor taskscarried out onsite, includingrecording hours& comments on all scheduled PMs via CMMS ensuring compliance is achieved at all times. Operate,monitor, maintain, andrespondtoabnormalconditions incriticalfacilitysystems Plan, prepare and perform electrical switching and isolations to facilitate break/fix repairs andscheduledequipmentmaintenancethroughfollowingapprovedoperationalsitespecific procedures as directed by the Electrical Supervisor Assist the electrical supervisor in the planning, supervision and handover of any project related changes or improvements within the facility Review subcontractor statements, risk assessments and method statements to ensure compliancewithsitehealth&safetyandoperatingprocedurespriorto issuingpermitto works. CarryoutVendorinspections,checking/monitoringqualityofwork,reviewdata/service reports to include all break/fix, P.M.s and project work on site. Engageandsupporttheestablishedknowledgesharingandteamworkculture. Ensurethatallworkareasarecleanandtidyatalltimes Author, Peer review,approveor carryout periodic reviews ofallOperationalDocumentation (like EOPs, Drills etc.) as issued by the technical manager. Adherencetoallquality,health&safety,andenvironmentalpolicieswithinthecampus domain Report health andsafetybreachesthroughtheHAZARDprocess Befullyfamiliarwithsiteescalationprocedures,Client&CBRE. EnsurethatMethodStatementsandRiskAssessments(IncludingDynamic)areusedforall tasks undertaken to ensure safe working practices at all times. Ensure completion of scheduled PMs/Corrective maintenance or any scheduled works via CMMS in a timely manner to achieve 100% PM compliance. DevelopagoodworkingrelationshipwithallmembersofCBREstaffandtheClient representatives. EnsuretheprovisionofaSafeandHealthyworkingenvironment.Toincludethewearingof the CBRE uniform and appropriate PPE as required. EnsuretheprofessionalimageofCBREispresentedtoclientsandvisitorsatalltimes. Completetoolboxtalksmonthly. Undertakeothertasksasdefinedandrequestedbylocalmanagement. Willingnesstoworkoutsideofnormalhourstocompleteplannedworksonschedule. Providesupporttotheshiftteamwithanyoftheirdutiesduringhighdemandperiods. Qualifications, Experience andCharacter: Afullyverifiableelectricaltradequalificationandverifiableadditionaltrainingthatisrelevantto the proposed environment. Understanding of LV power distribution and loading. Previous data center (or similar lab) experience - desirable A strong understanding and experience of the electrical systems used in a data centre environment, including: Feeders, Transformers, Generators, Fuel Systems, Switchgear, UPS systems, Battery banks, ATS/STS units, PDU/PMM units, Fire Alarm systems, and Fire Suppression systems. Experience of automatic control equipment, including relay logic, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), building management systems, and their integration with the data centre infrastructure is an advantage. Experience of low & medium voltage distribution systems and associated switch gear and protection equipment is preferred. Strong oral and written communication skills, with the ability to communicate intelligently and effectively with the client and with contractors who perform maintenance or upgrade work on the data centre systems. Computer literate with the ability to compile and submit weekly, monthly and annual reports, and to monitor and trend operational characteristics (load, capacity, environmental conditions etc.). Good working ability on Microsoft Office Products. The ability to learn quickly and to gain maximum benefit from extensive training and development programs aimed at ensuring that any identified knowledge or experience deficiencies are addressed in the short term. Availabilitytoworkoutofhoursshouldtheneedarisetosupportoperationalneedsasrequired. Availability to work shift and to provide emergency cover if required. Organised, able to effectively prioritise and deliver within a dynamic and high pressure, business critical environments Self-motivated,withabilitytoworkonowninitiative. Musthaveahighlevelofenergy,beself-starters,confidentandstableinmanner AptitudesExcellentverbaland written communicationskills. CharacterCommittedtothedeliveryofexcellentcustomerservice. Calm manner, able to work under pressure. Self-motivated,abilitytoworkonowninitiative. Punctual and reliable. Goodattentiontodetail. Ateamplayer,abletoworkwithCBREandclientsstaffofall levels. CircumstancesBeflexibleintheirworkingpatternstosupportrequirements dictatedbytherhythmofthebusiness. Pleasenote Alldetailsareprovidedforguidanceonly,anddonotnecessarilylimittheresponsibilitiesandaccountabilitiesofthe job. FulldetailsofemploymenttermsandconditionsareprovidedwithinOffersofEmployment,TheEmployeeHandbook and appropriate policies within the Company. This document does not constitute an Offer of Employment. Offers are only valid when provided in writing through the Human Resources Dept. Skills: Electrical high voltage low voltage Engineering Benefits: Laptop Medical Aid / Health Care Paid Holidays Parking Pension Fund